The gentle nun, Enishia, is tasked with managing the town’s church. However, one day, a merchant company suddenly appears, declaring that the land now belongs to them. Having sworn to keep this land under her protection, Enishia accepts their proposal and buys the deed from the company. As a symbol of the debt she shouldered, a binding crest is magically engraved onto her body. To repay this heavy debt, Enishia must help out with the town, doing all kinds of odd jobs to scrounge up money and rid her of the binding crest.

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wachidkp027 (verified owner) –
another banger from shimobasira workshop
kizunajp2nd (verified owner) –
put some untranslated parts aside, it is indeed a solid game. amazing
Captain (verified owner) –
If you do not care for long explanations: It´s decent, but there are issues with the game
After much anticipation, we finally got a new game from the Developers of Celesphonia. I had this game wishlisted for a while now and was very pleasantly surprised by its release
Let me start on a positive note here. The story is nothing mindblowing, but is good enough that you actually care about the main cast, altho I wish there was more character development
There is a completely redesigned exploration and battle system. I don´t think that there was anything wrong with the system that Celesphonia had, but I think it´s good that they made a different choice here. It definitely makes for fun gameplay. The game has a solid gameplay and as usual, could easily pass as an indie game even without the H added to it
Lastly, there is A LOT of scenes (You know which scenes I mean), totalling about 150 (Some are unique, some are the same, but for different levels of…corruption). There is also a pregnancy system…that doesn´t do anything for the majority of the game. Everything is well drawn, but for some reason, certain scenes are from a far away view and very simplyfied, probably for budget reasons. I´d say that the scenes in Celesphonia were more diverse and enjoyed them more, but there IS a lot of stuff and you´ll surely find something that you like
Now, the bad
The game suffers from a lack of polish and localization. Some parts are left untranslated, some contain editor notes (Lol) and there is a genuine lack of explanation for a lot of things.
One of the reasons why I am giving this game 3 stars is not because it´s mediocre, but because sometimes, you get stuck on certain parts of the game and the game doesn´t tell you where you should go next. They tell you a few words and good luck. I am currently stuck finding something, I don´t know even what, in the main city, which is very big and I genuinely don´t think that I´ll be able to finish the game without a guide (But since this is an RPG Maker game, who knows how long will that take)
There is a lot more that I found confusing and while it´s nothing a patch couldn´t fix, I never had an issue of not knowing where to go or what to do next in Celesphonia
My current playtime is 17 hours. I could probably have about 20 if I 100% the Fishclopedia and finished some remaining optional content, but without the ability to move the main story, I am kind of stuck. I sincerely hope that you guys will have better luck finding your way inside the game, but I got stuck several times and it was very frustrating
The music is okay, your usual store-bought RPG maker stuff with some decent tracks, but nothing near what Celesphonia had with the Jazz. As you probably guess by now, Celesphonia is objectively a better game. This game sits somewhere between Ambrosia and Celesphonia imo
Buy when it´s on a sale and be cautious about other “positive reviews” because for example Wachidkp027 reviewed the game A DAY before it was officially released. And I highly doubt that he got some kind of Press access, because I couldn´t find anyone on the internet with this name, so I´m calling BS and a fake review
I´ll probably change the review if they release any patches that fix the glaring issues, but still, I don´t think the game will be same or better as Celesphonia. It´s not horrible, not even mediocre, but…go in with low expectations and maybe you´ll be pleasantly surprised
Ryan Fries (verified owner) –
I will start this off by saying that this is my Shimobashira Workshop game. So I’m not comparing it at all to their previous works. Though after playing this I really wanna try them out.
I do however remember playing a similar game with a somewhat similar premise. Where a housewife goes into debt because of an asshole hero. So they have to take on various jobs from prostitution to adventuring in order to get out of debt in time. If I compared this game to that one, I would say this one is leagues better.
A good part of it is simply because it has an actual plot and good reasons for everything that happens as the game progresses. Not groundbreaking but it is decent enough. Didn’t leave me bawling like a baby like some games had me doing, but the world building is solid and at least seems like a decent amount of thought has been put into it lol.
Another large part is there is fun dungeon exploring gameplay that I find to be petty cool. It’s based on a gameboard (like monopoly or Mario party). I also had the combat set to very difficult (which it never really prompts you to change, you’ll have to go into options first) and it felt fine to me. Having to balance HP and MP while trying not to have too many monster encounters (though you want some for that experience, they usually don’t give a whole lot).
I’m still working my way through the Lewd side of the story, with my first playthrough going through the “Saintly” route on the normal game (not combat) difficulty of 1 Million G in 30 days and it would be quite possible to get through the whole game without encountering a single H-event if you are careful. Which I think is pretty nice. Although it would be kinda hard to avoid a butt grope here or there, it is possible.
The harder difficulty (aptly named Succubus) requires 2 Million G in 20 days. And like the name implies I am pretty sure that will be very hard to play without having to participate in lewd activities. Maybe it’s possible by being super frugal, lucky (or save scummy lol), and not waste any time at all.
The only reason I am giving it a 4 is because when it comes to the main story, there is times when you can be lost pretty easily and be just wasting your time. I had to resort to asking the Steam forums for help finding a certain mage, and another part that requires you to search around randomly until a cat meows…. though I didn’t have trouble with that personly, I can see why that could frustrate people for no reason.
There are also some typos and some stuff that was forgotten to be translated, but those are few and rather nitpicky. Nothing that wouldn’t be super easy to patch out. However, if they are still there years later then shows how much Kagura cares lol.
Other than that , this game gets a really solid review!
Eduardo Castillo (verified owner) –
great art as always