Magical Monstergirls Academy, the sequel to Magical Waifus Academy, is a vibrant fantasy RPG with all the features you love!
You are the most powerful human witch the world has ever known, but your power breeds jealousy and lust. The succubi want your power for themselves, but why? What dark purpose fuels their deceit?
Fortunately, you are not alone against this threat and your friends are here to take care of you. Between two adventures filled with monstergirls, they will teach you how to relax and make you forget your worries.
Explore dungeons filled to the brim with monstergirls who are really bored.
Key features:
- 35+ fully animated and voiced monstergirls
- 12+ fully animated and voiced high-resolution scenes
- 28 unique items to refine your gameplay and create your own style
- 18 unique spells to prove to everyone that you’re the boss
- Cheat codes
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