The evil organization Fakker has been terrorizing the residents of the city at night, abducting women left and right. One woman stands against them: Magical Valkyrie Frostia, a transforming hero who takes down any villains who stand against her. One day, she saves another girl with the potential to transform and fight alongside her. Will her new friend be able to transform into Magical Valkyrie Lyristia and stop Fakker’s misdeeds for good, or does a bad ending await them both?
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jaemdark (verified owner) –
Voice – Not much to say, was pretty good, 5/5
Gameplay – Anti grind mechanics was great but skill tree system could’ve
been done better by streamlining stats, 4/5
Presentation – One of the best among Kagura’s list. No obtuse systems,
no dull labyrinths, and great looking cutscenes
Story – Humorous. Would’ve been nice to explore MC’s school life and
maybe more school uniform scenes, 4/5
Overall – I’d certainly recommend this to anyone looking into an intro
Eroge. I’m looking forward to the next installment.
XxKurosaki-KunxX (verified owner) –
Solid game with nice animations that made it stand out from other games of this kind.