A free wallpaper pack featuring Summer Memories wallpapers for PC, Tablets, and Smartphones!
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A free Summer Memories wallpaper pack!
A free wallpaper pack featuring Summer Memories wallpapers for PC, Tablets, and Smartphones!
Rio and Yui’s mother. A kind housewife who’s extremely family-orientated and dutifully takes care of everyday chores by herself. Recently, it seems she’s beginning to have some marriage issues with her workaholic husband…
The older cousin. She’s somewhat of a slacker and prefers to concern herself with chasing fashion trends and other fads.
The younger cousin. A timid and reserved girl, and the exact polar opposite of Rion personality-wise.
Owner of the local candy shop. She seems to spend a lot of time on social media.
The P.E. teacher from the local school. Despite the horror stories told by students, she’s a kind-hearted teacher who would do anything to protect her pupils.
The software is DRM Free and works on Windows only. No internet connection is required to play. Download and keep forever.
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All models, actors, actresses, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions. Concerning all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual content, or otherwise, all persons in said visual depictions were at least 18 years of age when said visual depictions were created. The owners and operators of this Website are not the primary producer (as that term is defined in 18 USC section 2257) of any of the visual content contained in the Website.
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This software contains mature themes and graphic images that are not suitable for minors. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Please read the full 18 U.S.C. Section 2257 Compliance Notice below.
All models, actors, actresses, and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions. Concerning all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual content, or otherwise, all persons in said visual depictions were at least 18 years of age when said visual depictions were created. The owners and operators of this Website are not the primary producer (as that term is defined in 18 USC section 2257) of any of the visual content contained in the Website.
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